It's your phone, feel free to use it
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SafeLink Wireless
It's Your Phone - Feel Free To Use It
It looks like you haven't been using your SafeLink phone this month. Don't be afraid to use your Minutes! We want you to take advantage of your free service. After all, the Minutes are yours to use and you will get more every month.
As a reminder, every SafeLink customer is required to make at least one call or send one text message every month in order to avoid service cancellation.
Make a quick call to your friends and family today, or just call us at 1‑888‑271‑7576.
Having Technical Difficulties?
Call 1-800-378-1684
Didn't Receive Your Minutes This Month?
Get Them Manually
Did You Run Out Of Minutes?
Purchase Airtime
When you purchase, activate, or use a SafeLink phone or SafeLink Wireless services, you agree to comply with the latest Terms and Conditions of Service, which are subject to change without notice. SafeLink® is a registered trademark of TracFone Wireless, Inc., a Verizon company. ©2017 TracFone Wireless, Inc. 9700 NW 112th Avenue, Miami, FL 33178. All rights reserved. Unsubscribe | Privacy Policy
