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SafeLink Wireless
SafeLink is now selling Unlimited Talk and Text* with extra Data!
$15 unlimited talk & text* (Includes 500MB of free data for qualified participants)
$20 unlimited talk & text 1GB of data.*
$30 unlimited talk & text 4GB of data.*
$45 unlimited talk & text 10GB of data.*
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*Each Service Plan includes a specified amount of data, 30 days of Service, replacing any remaining free 500 MB of data for qualified participants, with the exclusion of the $15 service plan that only adds unlimited talk & text.
When you purchase, activate, or use a SafeLink phone or SafeLink Wireless services, you agree to comply with the latest Terms and Conditions of Service, which are subject to change without notice. SafeLink® is a registered trademark of TracFone Wireless, Inc., a Verizon company. ©2017 TracFone Wireless, Inc. 9700 NW 112th Avenue, Miami, FL 33178. All rights reserved. Unsubscribe | Privacy Policy
